Scripture of The Day 

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)


The word limitation means, restriction, something that controls or reduces something.  I realize that we all live with some restrictions in our lives of some kind or another.  However, we serve a God that has no limitations.

The world puts restrictions on us.  We sometimes have physical restrictions.  Sometimes we put restrictions on ourselves. We may have wrong thinking or fear.  Many people fail to change their habits because they focus on their limitations, not the opportunities that arise from those limitations.

As you consider your restrictions, my first question is, did you put that on yourself?  Are you more committed to your limits than you are to your potential?
Some people consider and think more about what they cannot do than what they can do.  Don’t be an advocate for your weakness.  This is the hour to believe God and realize that there is more potential in you than weakness.

If you argue with your limitations, you get to keep them!  Get into agreement with God about your potential!  You have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. Put your complete trust in God and allow Him to remove those self-made limitations.

Luke 4:18 He came to proclaim freedom to prisoners and set the captives free. Jesus came to break off the limitations that are not from him and empower us to step into no limitations, full life, to accomplish everything God has called us to be and called us to do.


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