Scripture of The Day
I think we often forget God’s promises or we take them for granted. I pray this devotional will stir you up and bring to your remembrance God’s promises for your life.
1. I will be with you. ( Hebrews 13:5 )
God said He will never leave us. He is with you always. You are never alone!
2. I will protect you. ( Psalm 91:11 ) God will command His angels to protect you wherever you go. All fear is gone.
3. I will be your strength. ( 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10 ) When I am weak He is strong.
4. I will answer you. ( Jeremiah 33:3 ) Just call on Him He will answer.
5. I will provide for you. One of the names of God is Jehovah Jireh our provider. He will take care of us.
6. I will give you peace. ( Philippians 4:6 ) He gives a peace that passes all understanding.
7. I will always love you. ( Romans 8:39 )
You are never out of His love.
As you begin your day today take these promises with you. Apply them to the circumstances of the day. I pray that they will make you feel God’s presence. I pray that you feel empowered by the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is alive and it can bring life to you!