Scripture of The Day

His Compassions never fail. . .They are new every morning.  (Lamentations 3:22-23)


As you wake up everyday, be like the lady who said, It’s a good thing God’s mercy is new every morning, because I used up all of yesterday’s supply!”  The word mercy means, tenderness of heart that disposes a person to overlook injuries or to treat an offender better than he deserves.  That’s a picture of God’s mercy towards you!

David was a man who loved God very much, yet lust overcame him causing him to commit adultery, then have the woman’s husband killed.  The reason David talked about God’s mercy is because he needed so much of it.  Only a person who’s gut-level honest in their evaluation of themselves can say. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.”
(Ps 107:1)

If you think you are solely responsible for your success. think again.  Paul, the greatest of the Apostles wrote, “I know that in me (That is my flesh) dwelleth no good thing.”  (Romans7:18)  It is impossible to be merciful until we’ve thoroughly come to terms with our own need for mercy–and learned to receive it from the Lord.  The truth is, if any of us were “perfect”, nobody could stand us, because we’d expect the same of others.  Every time we had a memory lapse concerning our own faults, we end up being hard to live with.  At such times God reminds us again of our flawed condition. He allow us to get humble, and therefore useable.

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