Scripture of The Day 

God said…”Be fruitful and multiply.” (Genesis 1:28)


It’s miserable trying to play a part for which you’re ill suited. It’s like walking in shoes that don’t fit. So this coming year ask yourself: What am I good at? What do I enjoy doing most! What accomplishments make me feel best? List 5 moments in your life when you were cutely aware of this sensation. Does this reveal anything about your purpose ? If money was not a consideration what would you want to do to fill your days? How does this compare with where you are now? What one small step can you take right now- one phone call made, one letter written, one email sent- to move you toward your true calling?

What have you learned about your purpose through failures? Are some areas clearly not a part of your calling at this time?   Who do you admire for the way they’ve applied their talents? How are you like them? What can you learn from them? How would you describe your vision for your life this year? Five years from now? Who are the people in your life who really “get” who you really are? Have you asked them what they think your purpose might be? Have they given indications of how they think you should use your talents? While we never arrive at 0ur final destination in this life, we can get on the right path, with the right tools, making the right choices along our way! We at New Life are praying for you and we are excited about how God will use you in this new year.

Seek God and listen to the Holy Spirit as He guides you into your purpose for 2024.

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