Scripture of The Day

Be hospitable without complaint   (1 Peter 4:9 )


The word hospitality is so much more than just being nice when someone comes to your home.  It is a picture of how God wants us to treat each other and how He treats us.

What is biblical hospitality? As Abraham models in Genesis 18, biblical hospitality is a sacred duty to treat strangers and friends alike, welcoming one another into our homes, communal spaces, and lives.

What is God’s hospitality?  It is to meet the physical needs of others (Romans 12:13). It is meant to display for the world a picture of how God welcomes us (Romans 15:7). Christian hospitality is a serious and important endeavor, and it is a joy to those who extend it, as well as those who receive it.

How does God show hospitality?  But God, in his great love for us, offered us hospitality while we were yet sinners. He invited us into his household, not just as guests but as adopted joint-heirs with Christ.

Let the spirit of Hospitality flow in your life today!

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