Scripture of The Day 

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you can test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.  Romans 12:2


As we all walk out our Christian lives there are many times when things just do not work out the way we planned.  Most women I know are very familiar with this concept.  We seem to have to adjust in almost every area of our lives.  It is probably true for the men as well.  So what do we do in these situations?  We always have choices.  We can pitch a hissy fit, get mad, shut down, withdraw, or we can turn the surprises of life into beautiful opportunities.

There will always be unexpected things that pop up in our lives. To me, this is where my faith in the God I serve comes into play.  Do I believe His promises?  Do I trust Him?  I guess this is where we find out if we believe in what we believe in!

I want to encourage you today that when these things arise be willing to shift.  Be willing to adjust.  The devil is a liar!!  God’s Word is true.  Pray! Then walk in what you know.  Give God a chance to show up!



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