Scripture of The Day 


So then each of us will give an account of himself to GodRomans  14:12


Does the word accountability scare you?  What do you think about our scripture of the day?  That scripture above strikes a holy reverence in me!   As  Christians we are accountable to God and to each other.  A Biblical definition of accountability begins with taking responsibility for one’s own actions and
making a conscious choice of allowing God and others to help in accomplishing what is right.  We know that God is ever present and He sees everything we do.  He hears every word we speak.  We also know that we have an enemy and if he can lie to us and deceive us and get us off of serving Jesus he will.

Having someone who loves us and wants God’s best for us is essential. I have a couple of friends that love me enough to confront me, ask me hard questions, and speak the Word into my life. I once heard,  that you will never have anymore authority than you are willing to submit to.  Accountability is humbling yourself, putting down your pride and allowing God and a person with skin on to help you do the right thing.

Accountability is not easy.  But it is necessary if we are going to walk in the fullness of what God has for us.  True accountability leads to wise living, which is a combination of knowledge of God through His Word, and the experience of living that out, to the best of one’s ability.  Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”  

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