Scripture of The Day 

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with
praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. (Psalm 100:4)


I love to pray.  Prayer is a real thing and it moves mountains!  Prayer changes the atmosphere. Prayer is like sitting in God’s lap and telling Him how much you love Him and allowing Him to comfort you, love you, answer your questions, and guide you.

I know according to God’s Word He loves to spend time with us.  Special and intimate time.  I love to first give Him praise.  I like to praise Him for being who He is. I like to praise Him for what He has done in my life. I like to praise Him for what He has promised to do in the future. I put my petitions out of my mind for that time and just focus my thoughts on God and let the PRAISES FLOW!

The psalmist said, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name” (Ps. 100:4). That’s good advice right there.

As we continue in 2024 let’s come into His presence with hands lifted in praise to the one true King with our eyes wide open to see all the new and fresh opportunities that await us.


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