Scripture of The Day 

“. . . Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”  (Nehemiah 8:10)


The world we live in can be challenging and draining. We face trials, temptations, and hardships that can easily weaken our resolve. However, we must see things from a different perspective.  Joy is the automatic response of heaven every time we stand true during any trial.  God is looking for those who can stand up in a moral onslaught and keep the faith.  You must believe that all of heaven is rooting for you!  Joy is heaven’s response to godly courage.

Psalm 103:20-22 “Praise the Lord, you his angles.”  This passage instructs the angels to praise God, but aren’t we messengers of joy too?  In this crazy and gloomy world don’t we need an occasional baptism of happiness?  Don’t we need to share that joy with others?

“You mighty ones who do his bidding.”  His bidding is not grievous.  His tasks for us are the reason we exist.  I encourage you to allow the Joy of the Lord to permeate all areas of your life.

We worship when we are reminded of God’s goodness.  The angels rejoice when one lost one is found. Shouldn’t we also share that joy?   Go and spread the joy of the Lord everywhere you go and know that the angels of heaven are rejoicing with you!


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