Scripture of The Day 

….the Lord The Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.  There is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might, He increases strength. …But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength…   (Isaiah 40:28-31)


I read a story about a 54-year-old who decided to run the Milwaukee marathon. He had two goals in mind- to finish the race and do it in under five hours. He said that his time would have been great if the second 13.1 miles went as well as the first 13.1 miles. He said that the race was grueling, and the second-wind strength he had hoped for never came.

Footraces are not the only things that require second-wind strength. The races we run day to day do too. To endure, tired, weary people need God’s help. In Isaiah 40: 28-31 The Word talks about encouragement and comfort and they motivate people who need strength to keep going. Don’t you know that God sees and knows exactly what our plight is? The words in this scripture remind us of God’s limitless power and bottomless knowledge.

The second-wind strength described in verses 29-31 is just right for us–whether we’re in the throes of raising and providing for our families, struggling through life under the weight of physical, financial, or spiritual burdens, or discouraged by relational tensions. Such is the strength that awaits those who- through meditating on the scriptures and prayer-wait upon the Lord.


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