If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. ( John 8:36 )



 I just came from a “Freedom” conference at my church. I must say that I am still in awe of what took place.  I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God wants His kids totally free.  I also know that the enemy does NOT want you free.  As we went through the weekend I saw the Lord set people free from all
kinds of bondages.  God’s Word is the key to our freedom.


God wants you and I to live in the tree of life. He does not want us in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  That tree is all about knowledge, not about the heart, the spirit, the sweet relationship with Jesus.  We can have have head knowledge but that is not what gets us into the Kingdom.  Jesus is all about the heart.  He wants us to
surrender all our junk to Him.  He can fix it, you can’t.


We saw people get free from rejection, abortion, abuse of all kinds, anger, addictions, pride, and so much more.  I am telling you this because I want to encourage you today to seek God and read His Word and allow Him to set you free.


If you have been rejected–Romans 8:31 Psalm 27:10

If you struggle with pride & surrender–Matt. 23:12,

James 3:16 I Peter 5:5-6

When you feel ashamed–Psalm 103:12, 1 John 2:1

When your heart is broken– Exodus 15:26,Psalm 147:3

When you feel fear–Joshua 1:9, Psalm 91:1-2


These are just a few scriptures to help you know that
God does not want you dragging around a big black trash bag  through life. What Jesus did on the cross paid for your complete freedom.  Give it up and give it to him today!


If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. ( John 8:36 )






















































































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