Scripture of The Day

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.   (Isaiah 55:8)


In all my years of serving the Lord, I have come to realize how important our thoughts are.  I have also learned that we don’t have to think about everything that pops into our heads.  If we can learn to agree with God in our thoughts–to think the way He wants us to think then we can have what He wants us to have, be who He wants us to be, and do what He wants us to do.  But it won’t just happen.  We have to be intentional.  We have to invest our thoughts, instead of wasting them.

Joyce Meyer says, “We have to think about what we’re thinking about.”  This is more true now than ever.  If you are in a bad mood, ask yourself what have you been thinking about, and you will probably find the root of your mood.  If you’re feeling sorry for yourself, just think about what you’re thinking about; your attitude may need an adjustment.  Remember, “Where the mind goes, the man follows.”  Our moods are directly linked to our thoughts so good thoughts will produce good moods.

We need to take responsibility for our thoughts. We need to stop acting like there is nothing we can do about them.  God has given us the power to resist the devil by choosing to think on things that are godly and good.  It gives me great hope to know that I can be assured of a better life by thinking good thoughts. Praise God!!

God will show us what to do to “clean up” our thinking, but He will not do the cleaning for us.  He gives us His Word to teach us and His Spirit to help us, but only we can make the decision to do what we should do.  You can learn to think properly and powerfully if you want to; but it is an investment that pays great dividends.  The Bible is a record of God’s thoughts, ways, and deeds.  As we agree with it, we are agreeing with God!

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