Scripture of The Day

“I am With you; that is all you need.  ( 2 Corinthians 12:9) TLB


We all know what needs to be changed.  Many of us come home from work every night frustrated because of it.  We don’t lack insight, we just lack the courage to do something about it!

But real leaders are different, they’d rather risk criticism and experience failure on the way to success, than remain silent and die on the sidelines, that’s what gives others the courage to follow them!  Most folks have a dream they long to fulfill–they need somebody to take the first step to show them the way.  You can be that somebody!

Without courage, we simply accumulate a collection of good ideas and regrets.  Most of our missed opportunities would not have been missed, had we only been willing to push through our fear and embrace what could be. All of us feel fear, but here’s the difference: eventually a true leader’s need for progress overwhelms his reluctance to take a risk.  He can live more easily with the prospects of having tried and failed, than not having tried at all.  He knows that failure is an inevitable part of success.  He also realizes failure looks and feels completely different in the rearview mirror than it does staring at you through the windshield.   While the average person fears stepping out into a new opportunity, the true leader fears missing it.

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