Scripture of The Day 

Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. (Matthew 11:28) The Passion


I have a six-year-old granddaughter.  Her name is Kaylee Ann.  Every time I go to visit her family or when they come to see me, that child runs to me as fast as she can and jumps into my arms!  She hugs me kisses me and says, ” Mimi, I love you.”  At that moment that little girl could ask for the moon and I would find a way to get it to her.  She just melts my heart.  Such love pours out of her and it is so pure.  It means so much to me when she expresses her love to me.

I thought about how much it must mean to God when we express our love to Him.  I was thinking about how many times I have run into the Father’s arms in the last 3 years the same way my granddaughter runs into mine.  ( That’s a lot!!)

We welcome God through our praise, and we love Him through our worship.  We throw open the door and say, “God, we welcome you in this place.  We welcome you in our lives.  It’s not about us: it’s about You.”  Then He opens His arms wide for us to run into a place of safety, peace, and joy.  We run into a place where we can take hold of anything we need because He has everything we need.  He is El Shaddai, which means the God of more than enough in HebrewThat’s our God!  He has the answer to every question and the solution to every problem.  He is worthy of our praise!

Never back off from the presence of God.  Don’t back off because you’re too busy, because you’ve sinned and feel guilty, because you’re tired or because of any other reason.  Run to Him.  Tell Him, “Father, I’m running into your arms because I Love You with all that’s in me.”


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