Scripture of The Day 

“Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”  (James 4:7)



Draw a circle on the floor. Stand inside it with another person.  Try to push each other out of the circle.  The one who exerts the most pressure will win.  This is what you can do to satan.  As he puts pressure on you, be relentless.

Put more pressure on the devil than he puts on you. Persistence wears out resistance.  Satan is a trespasser.  Evict him and lock him out of your circle in Jesus’ name.  You can withstand his actions against you.  When covered by the Blood of Jesus, you can overcome satan by the word of your testimony.

Jesus gave no place to the devil, and you don’t have to either.  (Ephesians 4:27).  He has given you authority to kick him out of your life.
Jesus is a winner.  He has made you one too!

(Prayer) Lord, thank you for making me a winner over satan.  I will lift up my victory shout, and give you all the praise.


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