Scripture of The Day 

The kingdom of God is not in words, but in power.   ( 1 Corinthians 4:20 ) NASB



Have you seen the power of God at work in your life?  Have you ever witnessed a miracle that could not be explained away?  I sure have!  God’s power works in both the little details of our lives and great and mysterious ways.  The kingdom of God is not found in our theories or ideologies about faith.

It is as real as the ground beneath our feet.  Do you need a miracle in your life?  Do you have longings or needs that require a move of God? It is time to pour out your heart before Him today and invite Him to move in power.  The Spirit of God is the power of God.  In Christ, you have been given the Spirit to minister comfort, to empower, and to release the kingdom of God in your life and in the world.  Pray.  Ask the Lord to do what only He can do.  He is faithful to answer.


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