Scripture of The Day

For all the promises of God are “yes” in Christ. And so through Him, our “Amen” is spoken to the glory of God. (2 Corinthians 1:20)


A Few Years ago, right after Ed went home to be with the Lord I was asked to speak at a function in Dallas, Texas.  I must tell you I had second thoughts. It was the first time that I would attend without Ed. I thought about it and prayed about it. You know, many times the Lord asks us to do things that are so uncomfortable and hard to do. I just did not think I could get up and speak without Ed by my side. I was sure to cry and get emotional. However, I had two different people call me and tell me I should go. “…by the testimony of two or three witnesses, every matter will be confirmed.”   (2 Corinthians 13:1) TPT

I have a sweet friend who told me when she had to do something she did not want to do, she said, “I get behind myself and push!! Well, I said YES. I packed my bags took a friend with me and off we went. I had shipped 5 bins of books for the event along with the New Believer’s Packs and other materials. I shipped them a week before I was to arrive. Four of the bins never came. Only one bin arrived and guess what was in that bin? New Believer’s Packs. God knew that was all we needed!

During the weekend we were able to minister and pray with many precious people. I was able to speak to the leaders and give them a word of encouragement. When Sunday service came it was incredible! The speaker who was supposed to come could not get a flight out so a precious young woman was asked to speak. She said YES! She was very anointed and just preached the house down!! Many came forward to the altar that day. Some gave their hearts to Jesus, some recommitted their lives to Jesus, and some came for healing. It was so sweet.

Nothing went the way we planned it. Books not showing up, speaker not able to come, the weather had been crazy a few days before…but God! When we say YES he shows up and things turn out better than we planned!!  I want to encourage you to say YES to the things the Lord asks you  to do. By saying Yes I was so blessed at the love, comfort, and presence of the Lord and the people blessed me more than I can say. Say YES today!


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