Scripture of The Day 

“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28 NIV 


I love our verse of the day.  It is such a beautiful invitation from Jesus.  No matter where you are in this moment, know that the encouragement to come from him is the real deal.  Whatever burdens you carry, no matter how tired you are or what you are walking through, you can always come to Him and find rest.

Allow this gentle and simple invitation to lead you into the peaceful presence of the Lord today.  There are no strings attached to Jesus’ invitation.  He is gentle and easy to please.  He does not have a big list of demands for you to meet.  He wants you just like you are.  You don’t have to have it all together, or be in the right attitude or anything…..simply come.  He will give you rest!


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