Scripture of The Day

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  

(Ephesians 2:10) ESV


Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability.  Did you know that greatness is in you? The meaning of POTENTIAL is existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality. God has great potential built inside you.  The Bible describes God as being “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20) and tells us that, with Him, “nothing will be impossible” (Luke 1:37). There is never a day when this is not true. He is always able to do far more than we could even think of asking Him.  Potential is not passive!

Most of us tend to think too small, pray too small, believe too small, and live too small. We believe the lie that “God may be able to do that for someone else, but not for me.” This kind of thinking limits what God can do in us and through us. It can also keep us from realizing our full potential in life.  God loves you and has great expectations for you. When you develop and use what He has given you, whether you view it as big or small, you are developing the potential He created in you.  God’s opinion matters most.  You cannot afford to allow past failures, the thoughts and opinions of others, or even the devil to make you feel devalued. Please do not let anyone or anything cause you to believe your life does not matter or have a purpose. That is a lie straight from hell.

There is not a person alive today who has not been gifted by God. No one but Him knows the potential – the untapped power, dormant ability and unused strength –that is inside you. This potential came in seed form. It needs to grow and be developed.  You have great Potential!!


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