Scripture of The Day

James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you


It seems that every where I turn there is maintenance to do.  Maintenance on my house, my car, my lawn, my hair, my teeth, my laundry, and on it goes.

The word maintenance means, the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something.  I personally believe that to be successful in anything you must maintain your confidence in God.  I can do nothing without Him, but with Him all things are possible.  In Psalm 31:15 David writes, my times are in your hands. . . .What times?  Times of doubt, fear, wanting to give up, times when correction comes, and times we have to rise above our circumstances.

Confidence is something you decide to have.  You learn about God, His love, His ways, and His power, then you decide to believe it.  Then your confidence will be there because you are trusting in God’s Word.

Maintain that relationship with the Lord.  Be confident about your ability in Christ.  Believe you hear Him and that He is leading you. Expect Him to move on your behalf, be bold in the Lord.  See yourself as a winner because of Him.  Rise up today and declare, ” I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.”

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