Scripture of The Day

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. ”  ( Romans 12:11 NIV)


We are living in the last of the last days, and there’s a great harvest of souls that must be won.  Yet, we can only accomplish the work of the end-time harvest by doing the Words of Jesus, which requires us to be full of God and fervent.  We sure won’t get it done in a passive, apathetic state.

God feels strongly about the temperature of believers.  The word fervent means to be hot and boil.  Take note!  Jesus said, ” I know thy works, that thy art neither cold nor hot….So then because thou art lukewarm…I will spue thee out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:15) KJV  God does not want lukewarm Christians who are half in and half out of His plans and purposes.  As the old song says, get in, get out or get run over.

That sounds harsh, but too many folks think, If it is convenient, I’ll go to church today.  If I get time, I’ll pray today.  I will read my Bible before I fall asleep.  It has been surveyed that the average Christian attends church only 2.5 times per month.  That would mean if a pastor wanted to preach a message to his or her whole congregation, he would have to repeat it four weeks in a row so they all could hear it.  Something is wrong with that picture.

For far too many Christians, God has become a matter of convenience, but that’s not what fervency and zeal are all about.  “Never be lacking in zeal. but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”   The Voice translation of that scripture says, “Let your spirit be on fire, bubbling up and boiling over, as you serve the Lord.”  God wants us on fire, fervent hot, bubbling up and boiling over with the things of the Spirit.

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