When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd. (Mark 5:27)
I have always loved the story of the woman with the issue of blood. She so inspires me every time I read her story. We don’t know her name, but we know she had been bleeding for twelve years. No Doctor could help her. She spent all her money and even got worse. This condition devastated this precious Jewish woman’s life. Sexually, she could not touch her husband. Maternally, she couldn’t have children. Domestically, whatever she touched was considered unclean. Spiritually, she couldn’t enter the temple. However, through everything she has been through, she said, “If I can just touch but his clothes, I shall be made whole.”
But first, she had to get through the crowd that stood between her and Jesus. And so will you! To those who tell you the day of miracles is past, you’ll have to say: “There is no day of miracles, there’s only a God of miracles and He never changes.” There will always be voices from the crowds trying to keep you from Jesus.
When this woman finally got to Jesus, two things happened: 1. He made her whole. Her faith summoned His immediate response–and yours will too! 2. She’s the only woman He ever called “daughter” Can you imagine how she must have felt? She probably couldn’t remember when she’d heard a kind word. Today Jesus in within range of your prayers and your faith. So reach out, touch Him, and be made whole!