Scripture of The Day 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)


There are so many times when this life gets crazy and confusing. Even being a Christian in these times can be mind-blowing. Just when I think I know what is going on, God throws me a curve. Life with Jesus is never boring! Sometimes I think, did I miss you, God, didn’t you hear my prayer?There are some things we will never understand and God will always have a bit of mystery around Himself. You know He can’t tell us everything…we can’t take it!  As I look back over the Bible and all those heroes of faith and the disciples and those who followed Jesus I see so many who suffered setbacks, confusion, and even doubt as they chased after God with all of their hearts. They are not much different from us. We all go through things in this life as we pursue God. The world around us is changing so very fast that it is hard to hold on.

However, the Word says God never changes He never slumbers or sleeps. His love, His power, and His authority, which have existed since the beginning of time, are still the same today. They are real today. He is our rock that never rolls. Be encouraged today that no matter what changes in your life or the world we live in, God is the same and we must go back to what we know is truth and trust His Word.

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