Scripture of The Day 


Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! (Psalm 47:1)



In Several places in the Word, we are told to shout unto God with a voice of triumph.  I have often wondered what is the big deal about shouting.  The truth is, the shout is a very supernatural thing.  Remember the walls of Jericho?

When my boys played baseball and basketball I was probably the loudest one in the stands,  Those parents would shout like crazy for their team and their kids.  Why don’t we do that for God?  The Bible tells us to.  I go to a church that lifts their hands, praises God out loud, we clap our hands, and I have even been known to step out in the aisle and dance!  That may be too radical for you but all of those things are in the Word. They are a part of worship.

As I think back on those games and the ones my husband would watch on TV, I am reminded of how the crowds loved rooting for their side.  I was thinking about us Christians and how we have a side.  We are on God’s side, and we’re in a race to the finish.  We even have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on from the banisters of heaven.

One thing about those games, I never heard the opposing team shout when our team scored.  You also don’t hear defeated teams shout.  More to the point, defeated Christians don’t shout either.  No matter what you are walking through today, just shout unto God and Praise Him.  Let that be a shout in faith to show the enemy that your shout is an outward sign of victory.  Jesus is our victory! Just go ahead, open your mouth and shout unto God with the voice of triumph!

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