A Nugget from New Life Network

Scripture for the Day – August 2, 2020

Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward. Children born to a young couple will one day rise to protect and provide for their parents. Happy will be the couple who has many of them! A household full of children will not bring shame on your name but victory when you face your enemies, for your offspring will have influence and honor to prevail on your behalf! (Psalms 127:3-5, The Passion Translation)

We just spent the last four days with our youngest son and his family. His family, as you can see from the attached picture, includes his wife, his two sons, and their two dogs. Now, that might sound like a crowd, but it was not to us. Chip (the one with the glasses) is our youngest son and he was baptized in the Spirit when he was five years old. Becky, Chip’s wife, is the granddaughter of Morris Cerullo and has been all over the world with him ministering the Gospel. Their two sons are following in their parents and grandparents footsteps.

Matthew, the youngest son, is a musical prodigy. He can play any instrument he picks up. Sammy, who is a sophomore in college, and plays on their football team, is on fire for God and has his own prayer group of college kids that meet every day on the computer for prayer. My wife and I have ministered to this group and they are serious about God. Their prayer time can last for hours.

Our house was filled with the Word of God and worship for four days. I cannot explain to you what that does to a grand parent’s heart. You hear and see so much in the college arena that is not God centered but there are young men and women out there that are pursuing God with everything in them.

On the night of the third day we had a serious prayer session. It was mainly centered on praying for me about my health issues. I cannot tell you what that meant to me to have my son and his wife and their two children pray over me. Matthew played the guitar while the others prayed for me individually. This was the first time Sammy had prayed for me live since he became on fire for God. He must have prayed for 30-45 minutes. When he laid hands on me his hands were on fire. Both grandsons have an anointing on them that will carry them far.

Thank you, Lord, for a family that are all saved, spirit filled and on fire for God!!!! That is a true blessing.


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