Scripture of The Day 02/09/2024

Understanding (spiritual insight) is a [refreshing and boundless] wellspring of life to those who have it. . (Proverbs 16:22)

Proverbs 3:13-18 says, “Wisdom is worth more than silver; it brings more profit than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you could want is equal to it.”  In the wisdom of God, there is a fullness of life.  When we walk in obeying God’s Word and in the light of Jesus, we have a peace of His presence, strength and His grace.  We have revelation of His truth.  We feel His presence, strength, and love.  It’s like drinking from a fountain of life! His wisdom fills us with the satisfaction of His life in ours.

I much prefer God’s fountain of wisdom to leaning on my own limited understanding to get me through the trails of life. I choose to lean on the wise leadership of Jesus.  He is steady in truth (He is truth), His Word is full of clarity to break through our confusion.  His wisdom brings me peace, He can be trusted.  He does not create chaos; He calms it.

My prayer today is that you and I may grow more and more confident in hearing His voice and following the path of love He leads us upon.  He always leads us to triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14)  I encourage you today to drink from the fountain of life.

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