Scripture of The Day

Jesus was “obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8).


What does OBEDIENCE mean? In simple terms, it means hearing the word of God and acting on it. It implies aligning our will to God’s will; doing what God has asked us to do. It is when we completely surrender to His authority and base our decisions and our actions on His Word.

Has God ever told you to do something and it did not make sense and you did not understand?  He oftentimes does not give us the whole story. However, He still wants us to trust Him and do it.  I recently heard a minister by the name of Choco De Jesus say this, ” Understanding can wait. . . obedience cannot wait.

Think of Noah.  God spoke to him one time. Noah was obedient to build the ark just as he was instructed.  It took him 120 years.  I am sure people would come by and ask Noah, “Hey man, what are you doing?”  They even made fun of him.  Noah stayed in obedience and completed the task.  It saved him and his family.  I am so sure he had no idea what was about to happen.  He had not even heard of rain.  But he was faithful to obey.

I encourage you today to be obedient to what the Lord tells you to do, even when you don’t understand.  Walk in His Word.  You are I are to be salt and light.  The world needs to see men and women who are obedient to God and His Word.

1 John 2:5-6 “But if anyone obeys His word, God’s love is truly made complete in Him. This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.”


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