Scripture of The Day

How delightful is a timely word.  (Proverbs 15:23) NAS

I read this devotional the other day and it has so stuck with me.  People all around us, even the successful ones, are dying on the vine for lack of encouragement.  Solomon writes, “How delightful is a timely word.”  Isn’t that true?  The Message puts it like this, “The right word at the right time- – beautiful!”

Have you ever thought what encouragement brings to the table?  It can bring emotional healing, it restores hope by putting the problem into perspective, and makes the day more bearable.  Who do you know that needs encouragement? A prisoner trying to stay strong in a hostile environment while repaying his debt to society? Maybe as divorcee trying to rebuild her life?  A bread-winner who is out of work, worried about his family?  Perhaps a widow who needs companionship? Even a servant of God laboring in an obscure and difficult ministry?  The fact is, everyone is struggling with something–so everyone needs encouragement.

William Barclay writes, “One of the highest of human duties is the duty of encouragement…it is easy to laugh at men’s ideals; it is easy to pour cold water on their enthusiasm; it is easy to discourage others.  The world is full of such discouragers.  But we have a duty to encourage one another.  Many a time when a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer, has kept a man on his feet.  Blessed is the man who speaks such a word.”  Paul writes: ” Outside, trouble was on every hand. . within us, our hearts were full of dread and fear.  Then God who cheers those who are discouraged refreshed us by the arrival of Titus.  Not only was his presence a joy, but also the news that he brought.” (2 Cor 7:5-7) TLB  So, be a Titus-encourage someone today. 

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