2 Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

I heard someone say that if a person tells you, “This is off the top of my head.”  Expect dandruff! Thinking is hard work, that’s why so few of us do it.

Here are two things we must improve before we can change our thinking. (1) We must change our thought processes.  Gordon McDonald says, “People who are out of shape mentally, often fall victim to ideas and systems that are destructive to the human spirit.  They have not been taught how to think, nor have they set themselves to the life-long pursuit of the growth of the mind, so they grow dependent upon thoughts and opinions of others.”

(2) Expectations.  A man went to a fortune teller who told him, “You’ll be poor and unhappy until you are 45.”   He asked, What will happen then?”  She replied, “Then you will get used to it.”  There are not many people who are successful that are apathetic or negative.  Real faith produces excitement, commitment, and energy.  These characteristics will help you achieve success.  Raise your expectation level.  Bring it into alignment with God’s Promises.

Success comes by not changing your actions, but changing your mind.  Renew it daily with God’s Word.


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