A Nugget from New Life Network

Scripture for the Day (December 6, 2017)

Be not afraid, only believe. (Mark 5:36)

In the Old Testament, the Holy Ghost came on people temporarily for certain assignments. For example, the Spirit of wisdom came on certain people for the making of the garments and the furniture to be used in the Tabernacle. The Holy Ghost did not come and fill people, and remain on them, until the New Testament.

If you had a pick, who would you say would be the “First Family of the Holy Ghost”? Would it be Joseph and Mary? Would it be a family in the Upper Room? Let me give you something to consider. Jesus said the following, “I tell you that no one ever born on this earth is greater than John the Baptist. But whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.” (Matthew 11:11, CEV).

The father of John the Baptist was Zacharias and he was a Priest that ministered in the Temple. One day, when he was ministering in the Temple, the angel Gabriel appeared to him. That was a shocker! Gabriel told him that his wife (Elisabeth) was going to have a baby. That was even more of a shocker because she was barren and she was way beyond her child bearing years. Gabriel told him that this child would be great, would be filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb, and that his name would be John.

Needless to say, Zacharias was blown away and started showing some doubt. Not good! Zacharias questioned Gabriel, “Whereby shall I know this” (Luke 1:18)? Now, this is one of the Archangels of God standing before Zacharias giving him a blow by blow account of what is going to happen in the future and Zacharias is basically asking him for more proof. Not good!!! As a result, Zacharias was struck dumb by Gabriel and was not able to speak because he did not believe Gabriel’s words that came from God.

Well, it all happened exactly the way Gabriel said it would. Elisabeth became pregnant and in her sixth month Gabriel went to Mary (the cousin of Elisabeth) and gave her the news about her being selected by God to birth Jesus. Gabriel told Mary she was highly favored and, “blessed art thou among women” (Luke 1:28).

Mary (pregnant with Jesus) went to visit her cousin Elisabeth and when she walked in and greeted her in her home the scripture says the following, “And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe (John the Baptist) leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:” (Luke 1:41).

The first thing that Elisabeth did after being filled with the Holy Ghost was prophesy to Mary and she said, “Blessed art thou among women…” Does that sound familiar? It’s the same thing Gabriel told Mary and there was no way Elisabeth would have known that except by the Holy Ghost. What a tremendous faith building confirmation for Mary!!!

When John the Baptist was born Elisabeth knew that his name was John but that was questioned by all that were in attendance at his circumcision because there was no one in her family named John. They all turned to Zacharias to clarify the situation but he could not speak. He asked for a writing pad and he wrote that the baby would be called John. He finally believed Gabriel!!! His speaking ability was immediately restored and he was filled with the Holy Ghost and began to prophesy (Luke 1:67).

Now, let’s quickly recap. Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost when Mary greeted her. John was filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother’s womb. Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost when he finally believed and acknowledged that his son’s name was John. That is why I believe that the family of John the Baptist is the “First Family of the Holy Ghost”!!!

We can learn a great lesson from the “First Family of the Holy Ghost”. The archangel of God came to deliver the Word of God and the plan of God to this family. All Zacharias had to do was believe! It has not changed in 2000 years. All we have to do is believe God’s Word!!!


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