Battlefield Of The Mind

Scripture of The Day
“For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of the flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

 As I travel and go to functions and set up my book table,  I am often asked, if you only had one book to sell, besides the Bible, what would it be?  Without a doubt, Battlefield of The Mind, By Joyce Meyer, would be the one.  Why you may ask?  How you think and what you believe guides your whole life.  Your mindset will be the factor you base all your decisions upon. You must know the truth.  Proverbs 23:7 says that whatsoever a man thinks in his heart, so is he.You must understand that you do not have to think about everything that pops into your mind.  Did you know that you have the authority to cast down every thought and imagination that puts itself above God’s Word?  You have the authority and power to cast down the thoughts that are trying to cause, fear, anxiety, worry,  and every other thing that wants to destroy you.  In case you did not know, that is the devil!   Satan relentlessly seeks to build strongholds in our minds.  He loves it when we are confused, upset, and unproductive.Satan is a liar and the father of them.  You need to realize that you are in spiritual warfare.  This war cannot be fought in a normal way. God’s Word believed, meditated upon, heard, spoken out loud, and read is a weapon.  This is how we fight this kind of fight.  Do you remember how Jesus fought the devil in the desert?  Every time the enemy came at Jesus, Jesus fought back with, “It is written.”  Get in God’s word, read it, speak it, believe it, pray it, and meditate on it. Get that sword out and use it! 


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