Be Still And Listen
We live in a fast-paced, busy, and noisy world. Televisions, computers, smartphones, and the internet are running all the time. Most of us only get still when we go to sleep at night. Do you ever take the time to turn off all that noise and just listen to God?Not long ago my television cable went out to my home. My provider informed me they could not look at the problem for several days. So, I was without my television for quite a while. What a curse, and yet, what a blessing!!! I was not aware how much I was missing by having all that noise drowning out the voice of the Lord. I now wake up in the morning hearing God and go to bed hearing God rather than the “bad news” channels.Three Hebrew words in the Old Testament are translated as “still”. The word used in our scripture for the day is “raphah” which means to cease or be idle. The word used in Psalm 8:2 is “shabath” which talks about stilling the enemy. That word means, to cease, interrupt, or to get rid of. The word used in Psalm 139:18 is “owd” when talking about God always being present. That word means to continue. Do you see the picture that the Word of God is painting here? If we will just be still before Him, and spend some quiet time with Him, we will know that He is God, we will know that He is with us always, and we will know that He will still the enemy.I remember reading an article about Mother Teresa being asked what she said when she prayed to God. Her answer was, “I listen”. Be still!! Listen!! God wants to talk to you!!