Crazy Faith Friends
Scripture of The Day 03/11/2025In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (James 2:17)
There are multiple accounts in the New Testament where friends and family brought their loved ones and friends to Jesus for healing.Let me remind you of a story in Luke 5:18-25 of the friends of a young man who wanted to get him to Jesus for healing. The place was packed and they could not get close to Jesus. So these crazy faith friends decided to get on the roof of this house and lower the man down right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, He was so impressed that he told this man his sins were forgiven and told him to pick up his bed and walk! Guess what? The man did just that! He picked up his bed and went home praising God.I want you to notice in this scripture where Jesus saw their faith. Well, what did Jesus see? He saw some men tear off part of the roof to be able to lower their paralyzed friend down in front of Jesus. That’s what Jesus saw, people acting on their faith. Could you imagine that happening at a church today? Some guys show up with their sick friend on a stretcher. There is a healing service going on, and the church is so filled with people that they can’t get their sick friend in the door for prayer. So they find a ladder outside the church and carry their sick friend to the roof. They begin tearing off just enough of the roof to get their friend in the healing service. In these modern times, we would call those guys crazy and probably call the police. But just remember, it was their faith that Jesus saw. Jesus said many times in the Word of God that your faith has made you whole or be it done to you according to your faith. I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of friends I want hanging around me. Someone who will get me to Jesus no matter what it takes, people who put action to their faith. If people want to go home healed and praising God, sometimes they need some crazy faith friends. It may not take tearing up someone’s roof, but then again, it may take something crazier. The question is, how far are we willing to go for a friend to get them into the presence of Jesus?