Do You Notice People?
Do you know your neighbors? Or the woman who checks your groceries? Or the kid who serves you at the drive-through? Haven’t a clue? Here is what one professor told his students: “I remember in college the teacher gave a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and I breezed through it-till the last question: “What is the name of your cleaning lady?” Surely this was a joke! I’d seen her many times; she was dark-haired and fifty-ish. But how would I know her name? So I handed in my paper leaving the answer blank, and asked if it counted toward my final grade.“Absolutely”, replied the teacher. In life, you will meet many different people. They’re all important and deserve your attention, even if you smile and say hello. This story has stayed with me and I have tried to live by it. (Incidentally, the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy) When the disciples asked, “Master, what are you talking about?When did we see you hungry….thirsty…homeless …shivering…sick or in prison and didn’t help? (Matt 25:44) Jesus answered, “Whenever you failed to do…these to someone…overlooked or ignored, that was me…you failed to do it to me.” The God who said, “I have called you by name: thou are mine” (Isa 43:1), remembers the names of people you and I may think are unimportant. If we want to be like Him, maybe we should take a leaf out of His book.