God's Heavenly Sandpaper

Scripture of The Day As Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.  Proverbs 27:17


My friend’s words stung.  I could hardly sleep as I mulled over her comments about my strong opinions.  I asked God for wisdom and peace.  That situation stayed with me for several weeks.  I prayed,  “She hurt my feelings Lord, but show me where I need to change. Show me where she is right.”

My friend had acted as God’s Heavenly sandpaper. My feelings felt rubbed raw, and I decided that how I responded would lead to the building of my character–or not. If we want God to work in our lives, we must be willing to submit to the process. Confessing my pride and stubborn stance would lead me to submit to what God wanted to do in my life. King Solomon wrote about this in Proverbs, talking about how we sharpen one another and, therefore, shave off each other's rough edges.You might get your feelings hurt a little, but ultimately the Lord can use these words to make needed changes in our attitude and behavior.  Allow God to do whatever is necessary to make you more like Him.


Leave It With God


Finish The Work