Happy New Year !
.Well, here we go! It’s a new year and day, and I am excited about moving forward into 2025. We had a special speaker at our church today and he shared about climbing Mount Everest. He talked about a place in the climb called the Death Zone. He used Psalm 23 and highlighted the fact that although we walk through the valley of the shadow of death….we go through! We don’t stay there. The following are some things that we need to know to have victory over the death zone. You might never climb that famous mountain, but you might have mountains of your own to climb.5 things we needed for the trip.
- Dress accordingly. As we begin our new year we need the whole armor of God. We need to put on the garment of praise and put on the mind of Christ. We must have more clothing on than what you see.
- When climbing the mountain the air gets thin so we need to take oxygen. Prayer is our spiritual oxygen. The Holy Spirit is the breath of God. We need the wind of the spirit blowing through our lives. That happens when we spend time with God.
- Prioritize Rest. We must spend time in the Word and with the Lord. Make your rest time in His presence. Put that time at the top of your list.
- Pay the price. That is putting down our flesh and allowing our spirit man to be stronger than our flesh man. He talked about fasting. Our church is starting a 21-day fast. When we commit to saying no to the flesh and yes to time with God we will hear His voice more clearly.
- Have a Guide. We cannot do this life alone. No one climbed that mountain by themselves. God has put us in a family and we need each other. He will lead us and guide us. As we sit under the Word, read it for ourselves, and seek God’s will, He will lead us.
As we move into this new year perhaps these little nuggets will help you do things differently this year. I am expecting miracles, prosperity, divine health, and most of all I am believing for souls! I am praying for more people to come into the Kingdom. God Bless you as we begin this new journey. Happy New Year!!