At The Beginning of 2025, our church went on a 21-day fast to seek God for this new year. Our Pastor spoke a word that ministered to me. Did you know that Jesus often pulled away to be alone with God before miracles and after miracles? Even when the crowd followed Him, he got in a boat to pull away from the crowd. For you and me to hear what God wants to do in 2025 we need to pull away from things that steal our time. Nothing great happens by accident. 2025 won’t just be a great year, just because we hope it will. There are some things you and I must do.Hope- Confident expectationExpectation: a strong belief thatsomething will happen or be the case in the future.Preparation– The action or progress of making ready or being made ready for use…I expect 2025 to be an incredible year for the body of Christ. You and I have a purpose, don’t sell yourself short of God’s promises for your life. But here is the kicker…..do not allow yourself to get caught in the trap of distraction. Unplug some things. My Pastor said to unsubscribe!! Get the junk out of the way of your time in prayer and with God. Set your mind and keep it set on the things above. You and I were created to thrive not just survive. I plan to be intentional this year with my time. You and I cannot do it on our own, we need Jesus and His Word and His wisdom!Holy Spirit, help me to come alive in 25!