You Are Perfect In God's Eyes
Scripture of The DayFor by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 God sees you with no flaw, spot or imperfection. Can you believe this? It is true. Don't doubt your perfection in Christ.Most of us have a hard time seeing ourselves as perfect. But Jesus took care of that on the cross. His sacrifice made it possible for us to have that sweet relationship with the Father and He sees you through the blood of Jesus. The scripture says that "For one offering He, Jesus, has perfected forever them that are sanctified".Your sins have been purged perfectly. He does not even remember them! So instead of being conscious of your sins, which is to have an evil conscience, you can have a perfect conscience, a conscience that is free from the guilt and condemnation of sins.My friend, God sees you as perfect without a spot of sin. He sees you covered in the beautiful white robes of His own righteousness. He treats you as a righteous man or woman because that is what He has made you. So expect good things to happen to you because blessings are on the head of the righteous!