Scripture of The Day
June 25, 2021

And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. (Genesis 37:19)

By Ed Henderson (2012)

Do you remember the story of Joseph in the Bible (Genesis 37)? Joseph was a big dreamer! God gave him a dream as a very young boy and he shared that dream with his family. They all laughed at him. Who do you think you are??? His brothers hated him for his dreams and his words and they tried to kill the dream and get rid of the dreamer by first throwing him in a pit and then selling him into slavery. They then lied to their father about what happened. The same thing is continuing today. People with God given dreams are laughed at, maligned, lied about, replaced, rejected, and pushed aside because they do not fit into our present world’s politically correct philosophy. Pride and envy is the root of these actions and it blinds people. The gift of success and prosperity that has been placed on the doorstep of the politically correct cannot be seen or accepted because of pride and envy. Who does this person think he/she is? They are too young, too brash, too uneducated or too inexperienced. We can do much better with a more seasoned and experienced person that is not so crude and offensive.

We are witnessing this in today’s society every where you turn. You see it in the sports world with the trades of Tim Tebow in the NFL and Jeremy Lynn in the NBA. These two young dreamers turned their cities upside down and brought something to the people that was intangible, HOPE! They brought a hope of winning and a hope of greatness. There is a deep hunger out there for fresh and pure dreamers. These cities were impacted by these two young men that knew what they believed in and knew how to do it right. They sparked dreams and hope in other people. But obviously some people could not see or accept that so we bow to the pride of men that think they know a better way and reject the dreamers and describe it as just good business decisions.

I have also seen recently the same phenomena in several business situations. Young entrepreneurs, with God given dreams, start building lucrative and successful businesses only to be stymied and stopped at some level by the pride of owners and executives. We can do this better than you! We have the experience, the money, and the structure to carry this dream to the next level. NO! NO! NO! YOU CAN NOT DO IT!!  That’s pride talking, and pride goeth before destruction (Proverbs 16:18).

The gifts and calling of God are without repentance (Romans 11:29). That means that the dream, the gift, the calling, the anointing is never going to leave that person. Now, that person can leave the dream, but God will never leave the dreamer. Joseph never abandoned his dream although he went through hell. He eventually ended up in charge of everything and was able to rescue his own family that had rejected him. I have seen millionaires have their dreams stolen from them only to rebound in several years with more than they had previously. It is because of the God given dream, gift, passion and desire that has been placed in them that never goes away.

Dreamers ARISE!!! The gift of God that once made you successful has not left you. It resides within you forever. Do not let your family, your boss, or the world convince you that they know better than you. If God be for us, who can be against us? He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more that you can ever ask or think. God is not a liar. Whatever he told you in your dream, it will come to pass if you just don’t give up. I don’t care if you have been thrown in a pit by your own family, lied about and lied to, stolen from or cast out, the dream and the dream giver is still with you. Stand up, dust yourself off, and start over again. It’s not over until God says it’s over.


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