Scripture of The Day 

Let the wise listen and add to their learning.  (Proverbs 1:5)


Growth means: Something that has grown or is growing.  The process of increasing in physical size.

Here are four things that can help you grow in 2025.


Make a commitment to change.  If you want things to get better things will have to change. Change is a good thing.  Don’t fight it!

Focus on your strengths.  I am good at some things but not everything!  My Pastor used to say, “Staff your weakness.”  Network with someone, hire someone and find others who are good at what you are not.

Put yourself in a growth environment.  Don’t hang out with people who tell you, “This will not work”  “You can’t do that.”  Hang out with those who are speaking life and encouragement to you and your dream..

Learn to enjoy the journey.  Joyce Meyer says it like this, “Enjoy where you are on the way to where you’re going.”  It is OK to enjoy your life.


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