Scripture of The Day 04/29/2024

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.  1 Peter 4:10


I have a smoke detector in my kitchen and it began to make weird sounds.  I thought it must be the battery so I climbed on my stool and took the cover off only to find that it does not have a battery, it is hardwired into the electrical system of my house.

What does it mean to be hardwired?    It means being a part of the innermost nature of a person or a thing.  Because God created you you have this place in your innermost being that only God can fill.  When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you welcome the Holy Spirit into your life, you are now connected to Him. He lives in you.  All He is is now in you.  You are now a part of His innermost nature.  You are hardwired!

You are hardwired to hear His voice.  You are hardwired to receive revelation knowledge.  You are hardwired for the Holy Spirit to flow through you. This is what you have been made for.  Author Bethany Hicks says, ” You are hardwired to receive and respond to all the ways His voice is speaking in your life, and He wants you to become confident as His son and daughter that you do, in fact, know His voice.  This is the God connection, the full assurance that you can–and already are—hearing Him.”

The days in which we live require us to press into knowing God, His voice, His wisdom, and the precious Holy Spirit as we have never known Him before.  I pray today that you spend time with the Lord, read His Word, worship Him, and listen…He will speak.

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