Scripture of The Day 01/02/2024

“For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His”
(2 Chronicles 16:9 NAS).


If your heart belongs to God you will seek to make an impact.  Impact is defined, as the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another, but the other definition is to have a strong effect on someone or something.  I do believe that God wants us to impact the lives of others with the Gospel.  We can do that with words, actions, a smile, a hug, random acts of kindness and so many other ways.

God also works within us. He transforms our attitudes and our emotional well being. Peace – Our anxieties are replaced by peace. Forgiveness – The weight of guilt is lifted from our shoulders as we are forgiven.

Here are three ways you can impact others in your day to day life, in your family, and in the business realm.

1.   Make a difference. God created us to make a difference.

2.  Stop the excuses. It is time to get rid of the excuses, fears and doubts.

3.  Be prepared to pay. Making an impact for the Lord comes with a price.

As you ponder those three things, ask the Lord how He wants you to impact others in 2024.

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