Have you ever met a person that is so negative about everything? It’s too hot or too cold, this chair is too hard, the service is too long, they sing too much, and on and on. That person is living on the other side of no. I refuse to be on that side!
I am not saying that things are always perfect. As a matter of fact, they are seldom perfect. We do not live in a perfect world. However, we serve a perfect God. Our scripture today reminds us that God has promised things to us that we can count on. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. He promises to work out everything for our good. He promises to take care of all your needs. He promises to strengthen us and give us rest. He promises to answer our prayers. He promises to protect us. He promises eternal life, if you give your heart to Him and follow Him.
Everything God has promised He will do. He is faithful and true. Be encouraged today that God has great and precious promises just for you. Get in His Word and read them for yourself. Let’s choose to live on the other side of YES!