Scripture of The Day
He Will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. (John 14:16)


In the day in which we live I have found that I cannot do all that is required of me all by myself.  Since Ed went to Heaven that feeling has been overwhelming at times.  I am reminded of a story of a 2 year old boy who was handed off to the nursery worker for the first time.   He began to wail as his parents walked away.  The nursery worker assured him that he would be fine.  She tried to soothe him with books, toys, and even some treats. She tried to rock him, hold his hand, and even just walking around with him, but everything was met with bigger tears and louder cries.  Then she whispered five simple words in his ear; “I will stay with you.”  Peace and comfort quickly came.

Jesus offered his friends similar words of comfort during the week of His crucifixion.  “The Father will give you another advocate, (comforter, helper) to help you and be with you forever-the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16-17)  This is such a precious promise to me.  This is what I have experienced with the Holy Spirit, He gives me comfort when my tears flow, He gives me guidance when I am wondering what to do, He opens my eyes to understand more of God, and He helps me in my weakness and prays for me. This promise is yours too.  Allow the Holy Spirit free reign in your life.  Listen to His still small voice.  He cares for you!



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