Scripture of The Day

“Now may the God of peace make you holy in everyway, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.” 1 Thessalonians 5:25


Did you know that we serve a God of order? Understanding this order will help us get rid of the sin in our lives and walk in holiness and freedom.  What I have come to know is that fellowship with God does not come naturally.  Even the Apostle Paul said that there is an internal struggle that goes on between the desire to do right and the natural tendency to do wrong.

God created us with three distinct parts; a spirit, a soul, and a body.  Our spirit had to be redeemed, our soul has to be restored and our body must surrender.  Your spirit man should always be in the lead.  I heard this quote from Pastor Chris Hodges, “you are a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience on earth, rather than a physical being having a temporary spiritual
experience.”  You are a spirit.  That is the part of you that will live forever.

You have a soul.  Your soul is your mind, will, and emotions.  That is the part of you that causes you to think, reason, make choices, feel, believe, and remember.  That part of you that must be restored. We renew our minds to God’s Word and we are transformed.

Our body is the flesh part of us that will one day pass away.  I call it, my earth suit.  It is a temporary house for our soul and our spirit. However, while we are here on this planet, it is the temple of God.  That is why we take care of it, keep it healthy and teach it to surrender to God’s Word.

Don’t let your flesh or your emotions control you. Get into spiritual order and allow your spirit man to call the shots and the soul and the body will follow.



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