Scripture of The Day 

And Elisha said unto her, What shal l I do for thee?  tell me,what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in then house, save a pot of oil. (2 Kings 4:2)


In several instances in the Bible, there are references to “a certain woman,” who were nameless.  One was a widow whose husband was a son of the prophets.  He died leaving the family in debt.  The creditor was coming to take their sons as bondsmen.  The woman went to Elisha for counsel.  He asked what was in her house.  She only had a pot of oil.  He told her to gather empty vessels, shut herself and her sons in, and fill the the vessels with oil.  Then he told her to sell the vessels of oil to pay her debt, and she and her sons could live on the rest.

Regardless of the circumstance or situation you are experiencing, God has a plan for restoration and provision.  Seek Him first about everything.  (Matthew 6:33)  He is the best source to reveal what you need to know and what to do.

You are the temple where the Lord dwells.  Within you lies the source for everything you will ever need.  He is there 24/7 to lead, guide, strengthen, comfort and provide.  He can multiply that which is not enough in your hands, to that which is more than enough as He applies His super to your natural.



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