Scripture of The Day

Now [in Haran] the Lord said to Abram, go for yourself [for your own advantage] away from your country, from your relatives and your father’s house, to the land that I will show you. (Genesis 12:1)


I have always found it interesting that God told Abraham to get up and leave everything he had ever known to go to a place that God would show him.  I mean, he didn’t even know where he was going!  I also found it interesting that in the next verse comes the promise…“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others].” AMPC

I found out that Abraham and his family had been idol worshippers.  God had to get Abraham out of that environment and influence before He could do what He wanted to do in Abraham’s life. I don’t know about you, but when I really committed my life to God I had to leave somethings and some people behind.  I could not stay in old habits, or patterns, or negative influences.

I can imagine how Abraham and his family felt as they left behind all they had known to move into the unknown.  In order to realize all that God has for you, you must move by Faith into His calling for your life. I pray that today if you have old things or people you are holding on to that are a negative influence on your life, that you Let Go!  Trust God and see what He does in you and for you!



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