Scripture of The Day 
Where this is no vision, the people perish…..(Proverbs 29:18)


To get somewhere you need to know where you are going.  You may not know the exact route, but you at least know the goal.  But if you get into your car and take off without a goal, you probably won’t get anywhere.  What a waste of time!  As we all go through life, we need a vision.  A clear picture of what we want  for our lives  in the future.  The Passion Bible says it like this, “When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray.  But when you follow the revelation of the Word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul.”  It really is about doing what God has called you to and moving forward in that calling.  What is it that moves you to compassion?  What stirs in your soul that you dream about doing?  The answer is most likely the thing that God has called you to do.  For example, I love seeing people saved, healed and delivered.  I love praying with others to be born again.  My goal is building the Kingdom.  Is there a goal you want to reach?  Maybe it’s something spiritual or may it’s more practical, like being debt free, having better health, or traveling.  Then get going on a plan to reach your goal.  Write the vision down, make it plain.

We live in a very interesting time.  Even in the midst of this crazy world, you can reach goals, start new things, finish what you started, and achieve great things that will bless your life and the lives of others.  Pray, and seek the Lord for your vision. When you know what it is, go for it!



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