Scripture of The Day
You can make many plans but the Lord’s purpose will prevail (Proverbs 19:21)


What a relief it is to know that no matter what we do or don’t do in this life, the Lord will still be faithful in His purposes and promises.  It is not unholy to make plans, but we must remember that we cannot control the future, no matter how wise we are.  We do what we know todo, and we try our best.  that is all that we can do.  God does not need our perfection to follow through on his purposes.  He will do it regardless. But He wants you to be involved in His plan.

May we find greater encouragement and hope today in the knowledge that, no matter what, the Lord’s purpose willprevail.  We cannot mess it up!  No matter how badly our day goes or how many times our plans change or fall apart, Jesus is undeterred.  He is faithful and true and that will never change.



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