Scripture of The Day 
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (Proverbs 17:22).


Excerpt from For The Love Of God, By Ed and Cheryl Henderson


There was a story that Ed put in our book, “For The Love of God” that I wanted to share with you today.

There was a fellow minister who was counseling a Pastor and his wife. The Pastor and his wife had not taken a vacation from his church in years, so they decided to take a 2 week trip with the family. When they returned from their vacation they were stunned to learn that they had been voted out of their church. It was a devastating and unexpected event.  The minister who was counseling with this couple listened to all the circumstances and then asked them a question.  His questions to the Pastor and his wife was, “How do you think you will look at this situation in ten or fifteen years?” As they thought about the question, the counselor offered some profound wisdom to this Pastor and his wife that has always helped us through tough times.  The counselor said he believed that years down the road, we would look back on this event and say, “You know when we went on vacation that one time and we returned home we had been voted out of our church position?” And we will all have had a big laugh about it. Then the counselor said this, “If we are going to laugh about it somewhere in the future, let’s laugh about it now by faith.” And that is exactly what they did.

Do you remember the country song, I Hope You Dance? The whole reason for this story is to encourage you that no matter how hard things are in your life, no matter how hard the circumstances are, choose to Laugh…..Choose to Dance. When the enemy whispers or yells in your ear that you are through or that you missed it, Dance and Laugh with God! When your best friend, pastor, priest, or prophet has let you down, Dance and Laugh with God. In the midst of every storm that comes your way, We Hope You Dance and Laugh With God. He can change your life and circumstances with just one dance.



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